No one rocks leather quite like Angelina Jolie. The 37-year-old actress, director and humanitarian touched down at LAX in Los Angeles on Friday, April 12 with son Maddox, her eldest child, and the sunglasses-clad pair wore complimentary black ensembles. 11-year-old Maddox wore a black hoodie and black cap with matching skull-face design, plus baggy black pants and sneakers. His famous mom, meanwhile, wore a slouchy black sweater and, in a nod to her wild child past, tight, rocker-girl leather pants and boots. The special envoy to the UNHCR was in London on Thursday to speak at the G8 Foreign Ministers' conference in London.
One week ago, the Maleficent actress debuted lighter brown locks during an April 5 Women in the World gala, turning heads with a more regal look: a loose, olive Saint Laurent dress and a sheer black sheath. Jolie's understated red carpet outfit was offset by her dazzling $500,000 engagement ring from fiancé Brad Pitt.
(Wearing a gold band instead, Jolie had appeared without the ring recently during a humanitarian trip — forcing the Oscar winner to quell new speculation that she and her man had secretly wed.)
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Jolie's better half, meanwhile, is set to appear as a presenter at Sunday's MTV Movie Awards in Hollywood, where the World War Z actor, 49, will present the Movie of the Year award. Other big attendees of the evening include Kim Kardashian, Taylor Lautner, Liam Hemsworth and Selena Gomez.