Who Are Redmond O'Neal's Siblings (And Are They As Troubled As Him)?

It's no secret that Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O'Neal's son has led a troubled life. His parents often brought him along to Hollywood events while he was a child, but as he got older, the public saw less and less of him. At the same time, Redmond was dealing with various personal issues, from mental health diagnoses to substance abuse issues and outbursts of violence that led to multiple arrests.

In fact, Redmond became so troubled that the reason no one saw or heard about him in years was that he wound up in a mental health facility. And while Redmond was the only child of the late Farrah Fawcett, he had siblings through his dad Ryan. It turns out their childhoods were similar to Redmond's, despite them having a different mom, and none have achieved the level of success that their parents did.

Ryan O'Neal Was Married Twice Before Falling For Farrah

Ryan O'Neal and Farrah Fawcett's troubled relationship was well-documented back in the day. The two were together for nearly thirty years in total and were reportedly still together when Farrah passed away in 2009.

But before he met Farrah, Ryan was first married to Joanna Moore, then to Leigh Taylor-Young. Though Ryan was only married to Joanna Moore, an actress whose career was sadly cut short by her own substance issues, for about four years, the two had two children together.

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Tatum and Griffin O'Neal were Joanna's only children, though she, too, had multiple marriages prior to marrying Ryan (and one after divorcing him, too).

Ryan had a third child with his second wife Leigh (another actress), and while they shared a son named Patrick, their marriage only lasted about seven years.

Leigh went on to have three subsequent marriages after divorcing Ryan, but remains married to the husband she wed in 2013.

Who Are Redmond O'Neal's Siblings?

Given that most of Redmond O'Neal's siblings also had actresses as mothers, their childhoods were likely very similar. Unfortunately for the kids, most of the issues they experienced seemed to stem from their dad Ryan's apparent inability to be a decent dad—and that's by Ryan's own admission.

In 2009, Ryan O'Neal sat for an interview with Vanity Fair and revealed some details about his feelings on fatherhood. Maclean's ran a commentary on the interview, calling the spotlight on Ryan post-Farrah's passing a "grotesque spectacle."

Among other quotes from Ryan were various self-deprecating admissions about his experiences as a dad and how his kids were raised.

I’m a hopeless father. I don’t know why. I don’t think I was supposed to be a father. Just look around at my work—they’re either in jail or they should be.

Apparently, in the Vanity Fair interview, Ryan even told the journalist that he was "happy" he was estranged from his kids. His children might feel the same way. It's been said that Redmond is refusing to see his father, though he could accept visitors at the facility where he resides.

Tatum, the oldest O'Neal child, recounted that her father's substance abuse issues had traumatized her as a child. She also dealt with addiction issues, as did her siblings. Griffin has also admitted to similar challenges, but blamed their father for giving him drugs when he was only 11.

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In 2007, Ryan allegedly discharged a firearm at Griffin, after his son allegedly attacked him with a fireplace poker. In a recap of the incident, Seattle Times reported that Griffin was found guilty of contributing to the boating accident that killed Francis Ford Coppola's son Gian-Carlo in 1986.

Griffin also spent time in rehab programs, on probation, and in jail on various other charges. Griffin once called his dad an "abusive, narcissistic psychopath."

Patrick O'Neal Might Be The Most Successful O'Neal Sibling

While Tatum, Griffin, and Redmond have all had negative things to say about their father over the years, less has been heard from Patrick, the "middle" child in the group of half-siblings.

Patrick is a sportscaster who also acts on occasion (though his last film credit was in 2007), and unlike his siblings and parents, his Wikipedia entry isn't filled with information about addiction issues, arrests, or domestic violence filings.

Related: Redmond O'Neal Blames His Famous Parents For His Troubled Past

Patrick has two children, though he does not appear to be in a relationship with their mother. Based on his Instagram activity, though, Patrick seems to be quite successful and has been married to a woman named Summer for at least eight years.

Patrick also seems to be very close with his own mom and stepdad, and often shares personal anecdotes, such as the time someone at a sports event came up to him with a photo of himself when he was a year old; they had a connection to an au pair who had babysat Patrick and his half-siblings in the 1960s.

In contrast with his siblings, Patrick seems to be the most well-adjusted of them all, though he has drawn some controversy due to his public commentary about Hollywood. And even though his dad seems to be on the outs with the rest of his kids, Patrick regularly sees Ryan, as evidenced by his Instagram snapshots.
